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Poke4dayz AS is the child of NasaH and is part of the P4D Group (Nadeem AH). The company is partly owned by Ferhat A.

We work daily to share the joy of Pokémon with as many people as we can.

We are primarily collectors who care about the community and the hobby.

Poke4dayz As is the only Approved Organized Play store by Pokemon Company in Oslo Norway.

We have invested in large premises in the heart of Oslo to have space to hold Private events and Pokemon Pre release events and Pokemon related events.

Poke4dayz is responsible for having hosted both Legends MITSUHIRO ARITA and MIDORI HARADA IN NORWAY. Both of these names are some of the greatest artists in Pokemon History. 

Poke4dayz is an online store a company a Facebook page a Facebook Group a community and all only to share the joy of the Pokemon hobby with as many people as possible.

We are also a manufacturer and supplier of Poke4dayz Mystery boxes.

Where we make the only Pokemon mystery box product in the country that is made by collectors for collectors with a focus on making products that can make as many people happy as possible! The product as a whole is manufactured in-house at P4D.

We have a total of over 20 years of experience from the hobby in the P4D team.

Where we have helped countless people achieve many of their overall goals in recent years. 

Plus many collectors have become millionaires by following our collecting advice over the years.

Where we analyze market trends and share opportunities that are rarely available to most people on the open market.

We have a goal to make Pokémon products even more accessible to as many people as possible during 2021.

The focus is as much on vintage Pokémon as on new products worth buying.

There is an incredible amount of products that are produced and not all of them are worth buying.

In the same way that there are few players in the country that are worth spending money safely with today.

With the hobby's growth and increasing interest, there are many new players with no background or history in the hobby who are only involved in this to milk the cow as they say. We at P4D do not support this in any way. We think it's cowardly for people to take advantage of a hobby like that and cheat people with a genuine love for Pokemon into getting what they want for their own collection.

This is a hobby that you can share with your children and enjoy with them every time you open packages together or whatever it may be. 

And it's an incredible shame that people who are only money-oriented in the hobby can ruin it for those who actually enjoy it the most. 

That's why we at P4D work as hard as we can to keep our prices low as much as we can and facilitate access to goods for everyone who wants them. 

We currently work with many actors and have several collaboration partners worldwide from whom we source products directly. We do not deal with a supplier, as many other companies do, and we can produce mystery boxes at the same time that we are able to deliver all incoming orders.

Poke4dayz As is today valued at just under  million NOK in its entirety Q1 2021 and we have put in unlimited amounts of work and time and money over time to make the company run as well as it does going after such a short official launch. 

P4D has existed since 2017. Where we were most active on Ebay and internationally before Nas Ah decided to focus on Norway again recently. 

We are also the only one that offers everything under one roof. Where you can buy new and old cards and Graded cards, Pack Loot crates and everything else that the Pokemon Hobby has and bid on. 

Thank you for taking the time to read what we have managed to build together. With your trust in us and what we can do for the hobby in P4D, there are no limits to how far we can reach together. 

With all love and respect yours truly Nas. A. H 


Weekly events with us at P4D NORGES TCG CENTRE

Every week we run various events.


Flesh and blood 


Magic The Gathering 






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